2 April 2012

An Alphabet of London

I recently got a copy of Christopher Brown's book 'An Alphabet of London'.
This little gem is filled with Christopher's lovely, simple and effective lino cut illustrations depicting approx six different London locations for each letter of the alphabet.
The main part of the book is the A-Z but I loved reading the first section of the book where he tells us about growing up in 1950s London and taking in, and being inspired, by all the wonderful sights and experiences that London had to offer him. And, towards the end of the book is a section about his creative processes, which reminded me of when I made lino cuts in the art room at school all those years back. It really is a pleasing and absorbing process, working as you have to, in negative, and achieving a different end result every time.
The Gentle Author has written a really good, and more in-depth, review of the book here which also shows some of the illustations.
I can't compete with any lino cut illustrations of my own so here are some close-ups of As, Bs, Cs and Ds that appear on signs throughout Central London.
Perhaps you can recognise some of them? Or cheat, and find (most of) them here.

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