31 August 2009

Blokes and fellas and birds and babes

If I said to you "I was talking to a bloke in the pub..." or "I met this fella in the street..." you'd have no idea whether he was aged 18 or 81 or anywhere in between. But it seems to me that we are missing equivalent female words.
Please be sure that this is not some feminist 'men vs women' thing, and neither is it about age; I just think that 'bloke' and fella' are such great non-specific words. I even like the word 'geezer' too, though to certain people that word describes a certain particular type of blokey fella.
I have discussed this subject with friends and the best female counterparts we can come up with that have no equal and opposite, as in man/woman, gentleman/lady, boy/girl are [sadly] 'bird' and 'babe', both of which are bound to upset a lot of people.
So, until someone can think of a good, inoffensive, ageless word for a female between 18 and 81, here is a collection of birds.
Click anywhere on the montage to see it at a bigger size.
Row 1: Vulture(?) on a closed down pub, Brook Drive, SE1; T Bird, Blackstock Road, N4; The Eagle, City Road, N1; The Falcon (now Waxy's Little Sister) Wardour/Lisle Street, W1; weathervane, Tanner Street, SE1.
Row 2: Truman pub lantern, Coldharbour Lane, SW9; The Swan (no more), Bethnal Green Road, E1; The Old Eagle, Royal College Street, NW1; window shutter, Hanbury Street, E1; coal hole cover, Earls Court.
Row 3: Pelican House, Peckham Road, SE5; Ashmount Primary School, Hornsey Lane, N19; The Swan Hotel, Hammersmith, W6; Eagle Terrace, Shepherd's Bush Road, W6; The Swan, Vauxhall Bridge Road, SW1.
Row 4: Bird sculpture, Stoke Newington Church Street, N16; The Junction Arms (no more), Praed Street, W2; Weathervane, Holloway, N7; The Swan, Gracechurch Street, EC3; The Spread Eagle (now the Jackdaw and Stump), Homerton High Street, E9.
All of the above can be found here.

13 August 2009

Happy birthday to me

It's my birthday on Saturday, something I share with Princess Anne, Napoleon, and my friends Julie and Val.
I don't really 'do' the star sign thing but I'll use any excuse to put a collection of London images together, so here are some Leos.
There are some weird ones about. A lot of them appear ugly or confused when I think they were meant to look ferocious. Others look dim or fey. You might recognise a few of them. Here's my complete set.
Anyway, it looks like the weather is going to be sunny this weekend so my previous posting about sun motifs seems to have worked...

6 August 2009

Bring me sunshine

I have today loaded up another Urban Sightseeing post on Londonist. It's not as information-packed as some of my previous ones – it's just a collection of images featuring the sun.
Check it out here. And please click the 'Like' star at the bottom of that post if you approve. Thanks.

Click here to see all my Urban Sightseeing posts

5 August 2009

Red Lions are finally in print!

At last, over 15 weeks since submitting this to Time Out, it's finally made an appearance in this week's issue. It's all about London's Red Lion pubs. If you want to see better versions of these pics, as well as quite a few others not featured in the article, then click here.