Paul Bommer's selling exhibition at 15 Wilkes Street, E1, finishes this afternoon at 6pm.
I very much doubt there will be much left to buy as everything was selling like hot cakes on Friday eve.

Due to the individual surface crackles on each tile I thought he'd got hold of a load of plain crackle-glazed tiles and over-painted them. But no; Paul points out that they are pastiches made using acrylic panels. He thought this process might disappoint but I think it takes more time and effort to make each one and so I think I've got a lot more for my money.
As well as the tiles there are 15 illustrations and cartoons all available as limited edition prints. I have to go and collect my tile tomorrow... I may be tempted to get something else... watch this space.
For details for the exhibition, scroll down to the bottom of the link above, which also contains many more of Paul's cheeky illustrations.

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