My talented sister has just finished her 3 year degree course in stone and wood carving at C&G Art School. I went along yesterday for the awards and presentations and had a quick look round at the diverse degree show which is just as good as last year with exhibits covering all bases; fine art painting and sculpture, conservation, installations etc.
I will be back there for the Private View on Thursday evening, and at some point over the weekend too, so why don't you come along and find me?!
Why they call these things Private Views is beyond me, seeing as anyone can stroll in!
Which reminds me that a couple of weeks ago I spent a very pleasant evening with a friend going from PV to PV in the Hoxton/Shoreditch area. The best show that night was the opening eve for PayneShurvell who have pulled together a really eclectic mix of artists for their show 'A Bright and Guilty Place'. I liked quite a lot of the work there esp Dan Hay's revised repetitive A-Z map of London and Anka Dabrowska's line drawings and her little 3D shops and houses which displayed a lot of love and care and attention. As regards work exhibited there, I was impressed that, even if I didn't like the finished product, I could see why it was created and how it had come about. It was a lovely contrast to an earlier show we saw that evening where an 'artist' had created large colourful ill-conceived and badly-executed canvasses obviously with an eye on the 'art as investment' market. Indeed, one man there told us that he already owned two other pieces by the artist's but he didn't really like them much and hoped they would make him some money. Oh dear. It's so wrong.

Top row: St MARTin's Lane, BARTon Street, BARTholomew Road, ChARTerhouse Square.
Middle row: DARTmouth Park, HARTley's jam factory, BARTon Street, CARTer Lane.
Bottom row: St BART's church, MARTello Street, White HART Lane, Brown HART Gardens
All of these can be found within my Flickr photostream