A-Z of woodblocks

There are many more remnants of wood block surfaces in London than I'd expected when I first wrote about them in April 2021

I am now aware of more than forty instances [October 2023] – it's a case of looking in the right places and often when you see one you'll find another further along the street.

I have therefore compiled this A-Z of all the locations where woodblocks have been spotted thus far. Please do let me know if you find any more – simply add a comment below or send an email to jane@janeslondon.com


Bold with links are those I have already written about inc photos. 
Regular with no links – followed by italics as yet unverified by me for the reasons given. 

Belvedere Rd, LCC offices, County Hall, SE1 – many patches of rectangular blocks in grid pattern.  
169 Bermondsey High Street – elliptical manhole cover in side alley 
Bermondsey Leather Market, 11-13 Weston Street, SE1 – manhole cover within cobbled entrance 
Brentford High Street – set within the pavement. More info needed.  
Brixton Village MarketColdharbour Lane, SW9 – manhole cover within access 
2-4 Camden Road, NW1 –  manhole cover cover in the road at kerb edge
221 Chalk Farm Rd, Camden NW1 (corner Inverness St) – manhole cover in pavement 
259 Chalk Farm Rd, Camden NW1 (opposite Buck's Head) – manhole cover in pavement  
285 Chalk Farm Rd, Camden NW1 (south of canal) – manhole cover in pavement 
Chalk Farm Rd, Camden Lock, NW1, 217 Place (north of canal) – manhole cover 
Chequer St, Bunhill Row – large repaved area of rectangular blocks
64 Clerkenwell Rd, Leo Yard, EC1N – square blocks within rectangular manhole 
83 Clerkenwell Rd, near Hatton Garden – manhole cover in the pavement 
Colliers Wood – new/modern square blocks at various locations 
Crooked Billet Yard, Hoxton, under the railway bridge – manhole cover 
Farringdon Street – an IanVisits sighting – unable to locate this myselfAny advice welcome. 
243 Gray’s Inn Rd / Acton Street – manhole cover in the middle of the road 
Hampstead, Murray Terrace – as spotted by IanVisits – pics to follow.
Hampstead Village, Windmill Hill, Upper Terrace, NW3 – manhole cover 
Hampstead Village, Windmill Hill, 14 Willow Cottages, NW3 – manhole cover 
326 Holloway Rd, N7 – manhole cover in the centre of the road 
405 Holloway Rd, N7 – manhole cover near the central reservation   
335 Islington High St – manhole cover in the pavement outside Pizza Express  
90 Islington High St – manhole cover behind the electricity/tram station 
Islington High St – manhole cover near The York pub
111 Kentish Town Rd – manhole cover opposite the old hat factory 
315 Kentish Town Rd – manhole cover by the crossing 
King Street, Twickenham – more info needed
Kingsway Tunnel, Holborn – oblong woodblock surface 
Mora Street / Nelson Passage, EC1 – manhole cover 
New North RdRoyal Mail depot, N1 (Eagle Wharf Rd) – manhole cover within access 
130 Old St, EC1N – manhole cover in the bus lane
1 Old Street, Goswell Rd junction – manhole cover 
90-92 Pentonville Rd, N1 – large private forecourt, patches visible
Pentonville Rd – manhole in bus lane in front of Grimaldi Church 
29-31 Powis St, Woolwich – manhole cover photographed Oct 2023 
Southwark StRedcross Way junction – manhole cover 
St James’s Place, W1 – rectangular manhole cover near the Stafford Hotel
St James’s St – utility cover said to be at the Piccadilly end – unconfirmed (Oct2023)
292 St John Street, Spencer Street junction – manhole in the road
377 St John Street, Rosebery Ave junction– manhole near kerb
38 Shepherdess Walk / Underwood Row – manhole cover 
44-48 Shepherdess Walk / Micawber St – manhole cover 
104 Shepherdess Walk / Shaftesbury Street (pillar box) – manhole cover 
Sumatra Rd / 229 West Hampstead (rear of Oddbins) – manhole cover 
Thurland Road, Spa Road junction – two manhole covers in the road
West Square, Lambeth, SE11 – manhole covers, at least two 

Outside Greater London
Waltham Abbey – man hole cover in the road near the church 
Whitstable castle – large paved area within the covered entrance

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