15 January 2011

Hugh's Fish Fight

Sign up here to stop a terrible waste of life and resources.
Half of all fish caught in the North Sea are thrown back dead.
It just doesn't make sense.
Further afield tuna is being caught to the detriment of other marine life... despite what it tells you on the tins. And as for what farmed salmon are fed on... it just beggars belief.
Watch Hugh's three programmes on the subject here.
Hugh, I love you. Really, I do. And not just for this.
Also see the link in the first comment below re pirate fishing.
Top: Berkeley Square, Billingsgate, Manzi's (Lisle/Leicester Street, now demolished, though it's still on Google Streetview)
Middle: Leytonstone, East Acton Lane x2
Bottom: Battersea (batter!), Malden Road, Cheapside

1 comment:

  1. Yes! This certainly is a cause worthy of attention and together we can do something about it!

    Discards, created by destructive fishing techniques and ineffective policy, are a key contributor to the depletion of global fish stocks. Additionally (what the programme hasn’t highlighted), illegal fishing activities – by unregistered vessels, illegal gear usage, or fishing in restricted areas – also have a massive impact on marine biodiversity, the livelihoods of fishermen, and the food security of some of the world’s poorest people.
    To improve fisheries management and put an end to this madness, SIGN HERE by the 26th Jan (great if you could pass it on too!):


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