5 October 2011

Save the countryside

This isn't about 'my' London, but about the green belt that surrounds it.
I copy and paste here from an email I received from 38 Degrees:
Our English countryside is under threat again. The government is trying to rush through massive changes to the planning system, which would make it much easier to build on green field sites. We've just a few weeks to stop this happening.
Experts are lining up to condemn the government plans. The National Trust warns of unchecked and damaging development. Friends of the Earth predicts “a building free-for-all that will blight our countryside with bad building.”
A massive people-powered petition can make the government think again. It worked to stop England's forests being sold off. It can work again to stop precious countryside being wrecked by bulldozers and concrete.
Please add your name now, and forward this message to all your friends:
The English countryside is something we all enjoy. It's far too precious to build on willy-nilly. Once our green fields are gone, they're gone forever.
If we work together, we can stand up for a balanced, careful approach to deciding what to build and where to build it. We can protect local communities' right to have their say, make sure social housing is built where it’s needed and protect wildlife and beautiful, tranquil places.
Having to act fast to stop an urgent threat to our countryside feels eerily familiar doesn't it! It's only a few months since half a million of us came together to stop plans to sell off England's forests. It worked that time - now let's come together again to stop this new threat to our beautiful green places.
Please take two minutes now to add your name to the petition.


  1. It would be grate if everyone who signs the petition marked their actual (and/or planned) number of children.

  2. They have to be aware on developing the area without hampering its natural resources. It can be done through proper planning.

  3. The issue here is the natural resources that are affected. They should consider thinking of other alternatives to avoid this problem.

    luxury home builders

  4. There are vast resources available for taking in these areas, although in this case, the fine balance between economics and natural ecosystem should be observed.


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Thanks, Jane