6 September 2011

Trees for Cities

On Saturday September 17th Battersea Park will be hosting a Tree-Athon, the aim of the event being to raise funds to buy and plant more trees in London and other cities worldwide.
There will be a 5k run and a barefoot 100m race, by which I assume they mean metres and not miles. There will also be tree planting and face painting, jugglers, street art (in the park!), music and all sort of outdoors-eventy stuff.
Sign up, join in, and find out more at www.treesforcities.org
Top: Harlseden, Holloway, Greewich x2
Middle: Limehouse, Berkeley Square, Brixton, Vauxhall
Bottom: Holloway x4

1 comment:

  1. This is a good program that we should all support. Planting more trees will help lessen the impact or even reverse the effects of global warming. We need more trees in our environment nowadays.


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