18 October 2021

More wood block paving in London

Earlier this year I pulled together a collection of images showing areas of road and pavements where I have discovered patches of wood block surfaces, see here.

Well, I've found another one and two of my contemporaries have spotted others. All three are where small sections of wood remain within removable metal sections, such as man hole covers.

Ian Visits recently posted on his Instagram page that he found this one on the corner of Redcross Way in Southwark Street:

The wood blocks here are really large here; possibly the largest pieces I have seen as each takes up half of each quadrant and look to be cut specifically for this man hole cover. 

Dave Brown alerted me to a grid of wood that he spotted in Leo Yard, a little alley off Clerkenwell Road:

It's very unusual – Dave's pic here seems to indicate that it's a lightwell (for letting light down into a basement area) that has later been in-filled with wood. This little courtyard is not googlestreetview-able so I need to go and check it out for myself – I will then update this post with some alternative photos.

And, finally, my own find. Having walked up an down St John Street from Angel to Barbican many many times over the decades, I am surprised that it took me until September 2021 to notice this beauty at the junction of Spencer Street, between The City University buildings and the Spa Green Estate:

Update August 2023: I have set up a London A-Z Directory of Woodblocks. If you can add to the list, please leave a comment under this blog post or email me at jane@janeslondon.com

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