31 March 2017

The latest bits of Kit in Hornsey Road

You may recall that last December I wrote about Kit's amazing foam sculptures in Hornsey Road.
Some of them got broken and some got stolen but most have been replaced with new models as shown below.

Photos taken Sunday 26th March 2017. There is another foam fella imprisoned behind a fence but I couldn't get a decent pic of him
I love em.
See more here.

Below are pics of Prisoner 24601 and what happened when someone tried to help him 'escape'.
The bottom row are the latest editions* – as you can see there is a lot of thought and hard work going into theses lifelike foam fellas.

All Hornsey Road, between Marlborough and Fairbridge Roads
*photos taken 24th April


  1. You are a excellent photographer Jane, thank you.

    1. Thanks – keep up the great work ;-)


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