13 May 2016

Breast screening day – a cancerous coincidence

Friday 13th May.
This morning I will be at Whittington Hospital having a breast screening.
Today is my mother's birthday. She was born on Friday 13th May 1938 and died of cancer-related illnesses aged 57 which began with a little malignant lump above her left breast and then 16 years of treatments following different cancers around her body.
It seems so strange to me that this lovely, vibrant, intelligent, active, creative woman, pictured right at age 49, would have today reached the age of 78.
Happy birthday mum. I miss you xx


  1. Yes it is important to have regular mammograms. I am glad you are and I hope that it is normal, which it probably is. Happy Birthday Jane's Mum. I look forward to our getting together to Thames comb this summer when I come over. Best Stefany


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Thanks, Jane