24 October 2015

Don't forget that the clocks go back tonight

An extra hour!!!
Use it wisely.

Here are some London clocks. How many do you recognise?


  1. OK, here goes - top to bottom - left to right
    Frith St - Wardour St - Lyceum Tavern, Strand - Tottenham Court Rd - Looks Familiar! - Don't Know - Strand - Either Young St or Derry St, on the side of the Barkers building, the other side has the Evening Standard clock! - Don't know - Looks Familiar! - Cambridge Circus/Charing Cross Rd - Fleet St, the old Telegraph building (cheeky crop)

  2. I've been photographing clocks too. They're everywhere once you start looking. Very interesting seeing your collection.

  3. Yes Cartharine, this is just a random seletction form my 'collevtion'
    Can you identify the ones that Malcolm hasn't... i.e. the first two in the 2nd row , and the first two on the bottom row?

    I started snapping lions in London a few years back, but they are everywhere too, so I stopped... ;-)


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